An integral part of the REGATRACE project is the collaboration. As it aims to create an efficient trade system through GoOs, the establishment of a European common biomethane market should be based on a common understanding. In this context, the REGATRACE Network has been officially launched.
What sets the REGATRACE Network apart are its distinct and relevant characteristics. Within the Network, partners regularly share information on common topics surrounding the documentation, tracking and cross-border trading of renewable gases, including legislative developments, such as the RED II proposal and the Union Database. All the while, a particular focus is put on organisations involved in the certification and documentation of renewable gases through certification systems, guarantees of origin or European schemes. At the same time, the Network offers a space to exchange ideas beyond existing types of certificates or platforms.
As the kick-off phase of the Network launch was concluded during the 3rd REGATRACE Network Meeting on 24 September 2021, it currently includes the following members:
- Amber Grid (Lithuania)
- AIB – Association of Issuing Bodies (Europewide)
- AGCS Gas Clearing & Settlement AG (Austria)
- EBA – European Biogas Assosciation (Europewide)
- Energigas (Sweden)
- Energinet (Denmark)
- ERGaR – European Renewable Gas Registry aisbl (Europewide)
- NEN – Royal Netherlands Standardisation Institute (the Netherlands)
- REDCert (Germany)
- REAL – Renewable Gas Assurance Limited (UK)
- SPP Distribucia (Slovakia)
- UPEBI – Unia Producentów i Pracodawców Przemysłu Biogazowego (Poland)
- VSG – Verband der Schweizerischen Gasindustrie (Switzerland)
While the REGATRACE Network has officially launched, new partners are always welcome. This includes organisations and institutions responsible for the documentation and tracking of renewable gas. More specifically, this refers to:
- Organisations admitted as Issuing Body for GoOs through government mandate (according to Article 19 of RED), or those in the process of becoming an Issuing Body
- Organisations documenting information and data on cross-border title transfers of renewable gas and renewable gas consignments for voluntary or mandatory/regulated purposes, as well as for sustainable biofuel quotas
- Renewable gas/biomethane registries
- TSOs, DSOs and Balancing Group Coordinator
- Associations representing producers, traders and/or consumers of renewable gas certificates
- National or regional energy agencies, national authorities and/or biogas organisations who have set up or are in the process of setting up issuing bodies for renewable gases
- Voluntary, national or European Schemes involved in the verification and documentation of renewable gases.
As the REGATRACE project develops, we look forward to the exchanging of ideas and collaboration among the Network Partners!