ISINNOVA, the Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems, is an independent Italian research institute that for over four decades has supported international, national and local public bodies for the analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of sustainable policies in the fields of energy, environment, transport and mobility, urban planning, and knowledge society.
The European Biogas Association (EBA) was founded in February 2009 as a non-profit organisation based in Brussels (Belgium) aiming to promote the deployment of sustainable biogas and biomethane production and use from anaerobic digestion (AD) and biomass gasification in Europe. EBA’s members include national biogas associations, international biogas companies and research institutes from across Europe.
AGCS Gas Clearing and Settlement is the balance group coordinator and settlement agent in Austria and has been operating the Austrian Biomethane Registry since July 2012. It is involved in several ongoing, national, bilateral and Europe-wide cooperations. It is a founding member of ERGaR and has a cooperation agreement with the Austrian sustainability registry for biofuels.
CIB – Consorzio Italiano Biogas – aggregates and represents the agricultural biogas and biomethane value chain in Italy with more than 900 members. Formed in March 2006, CIB provides information to its members to improve, optimize and innovate biogas production processes, fostering greener and efficient low carbon farming practices through its flagship initiative Biogasdoneright®.
Dena is Germany’s centre of expertise for energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and intelligent energy systems. As the “Agency for the Applied Energy Transition” we contribute to the attainment of energy and climate policy objectives, developing solutions and putting them into practice. To achieve this, we bring together partners from politics and industry across all sectors.
The Romanian Association of Biomass and Biogas (ARBIO) is the representative of the Bio industries in Romania. It is already a member of the European Biogas Association (EBA) and European Biomass Association (AEBIOM). In a market with great potential, it promotes/ supports sustainable investments in the sectors of: Biogas, Biomass, Anaerobic Digestion, Waste to Energy, Biodiesel, Bioethanol, Recycling and more.
The Renewable Gas Forum Ireland (RGFI) is an industry forum representing the interests of those involved in the renewable gas supply chain across Ireland. RGFI is committed to influencing, supporting and delivering policies and initiatives that promote the development of the renewable gas industry as an economically viable and environmentally sustainable component of the overall energy mix.
Fluxys Belgium is the Belgian transport system operator for gas and is part of the Fluxys Group which is active in European gas grids, LNG and gas storage. Fluxys as a member of “Gas For Climate” subscribes to a climate neutral energy landscape in 2050 through the production and use of green gasses and the energy flexibility the gas grids can offer.
DBFZ develops various concepts for the economically viable, ecologically harmless and socially acceptable energetic use of biomass. The aim is to analyse potential areas of conflict between the various objectives pursued with the expansion of bioenergy at an early stage and to develop forward-looking design approaches. This includes integration into a changing energy system, improving energy efficiency, avoiding competing uses and avoiding emissions.
The AIB, Association of Issuing Bodies, has developed and promotes the European Energy Certificate System – “EECS” – which ensures the reliable operation of international guarantees of origin schemes. It also operates an inter-registry communications hub and provides a knowledge centre for energy certificate authorities across Europe.
Amber Grid is Lithuania’s gas transmission system operator. It uses high pressure pipelines and is in charge of the operation, maintenance and development of gas transmission infrastructure. A designated body for the administration of national guarantees of origin for gases produced from renewable energy sources, it is interested in the development of European biomethane and gas production and cross-border trade.
NEDGIA, the gas distribution company of the NATURGY ENERGY GROUP, is the DSO leader in Spain: the company provides service to about 70% of all consumers in Spain, more than 5.4 million supply points and more than 52,400 kilometers of networks in 1,200 Spanish municipalities. It is working to expand gas distribution networks and sees biomethane as a way to achieve eco-efficient decarbonization in Spain.
ERGaR aisbl was established as an international non-profit organisation in September 2016 as a cooperation between national renewable gas registries in Europe to enable cross border transfer of renewable gas certificates. ERGaR and its members develop the necessary documentation and IT procedures to allow cross-border administration. It currently counts 25 members in 13 European countries.
Elering is an independent electricity and gas system operator in Estonia whose main duty is to guarantee high-quality energy supply to Estonian consumers at all times. Elering is also a designated body for the administration of national guarantees of origin for electricity and gas produced from renewable energy sources.
The Czech Biogas Association (CzBA) was founded in January 2007 with the mission of becoming a national technological platform for the production and use of biogas. CzBA now brings together more than 100 members, including leading scientific research institutions, suppliers and technology manufacturers, biogas plant operators and other experts not only from the Czech Republic.