On October 22nd, 2019 dena organized a successful workshop entitled “Cross-Sectoral Verification of Renewable Gases” in Berlin. This workshop took place as part of Task 4.1 “Analysis of guarantees of origin from different renewable gas technologies and development of verification standards”, within the framework of the REGATRACE project. The workshop saw the participation of 22 representatives from industry, research institutions, governmental organizations and gas registries, who showed great interest in the topics discussed in the workshop.
The workshop paved the way to discuss several topics, such as the documentation and assurance of the renewability of power-to-gas technologies; avoiding double counting; opportunities for the RED-II directive; definitions of recycled carbon fuels; as well as the quantity to be recognized by the Guarantees of Origin (GoO) after several conversion processes. These discussions will serve as a basis to continue the work on Task 4.1.