A network for dialogue between various parties involved in the documentation and cross-border tracking of renewable gases enables to leverage and synchronise the different developments in Europe.

Goal of REGATRACE task 2.2 is the establishment the network of

  • organisations responsible for the documentation and tracking of renewable gases (cross-border, sustainable biofuels),
  • and such organisations that are seeking mandates, and
  • organisations responsible for the management of (national/European) gas grids and organisation that provide services to them, e.g., TSO, DSO, BGC.

Based on the REGATRACE deliverable D2.3 “Memorandum of Understanding among national issuing bodies to set-up the Network”,  the REGATRACE Network has been defined as a neutral network, complementing existing organisations and existing initiatives such as AIB, CertifHy and ERGaR. Under the lead of ERGaR and supported by AIB, the REGATRACE project partners launched the REGATRACE Network aiming at establishing a forum for the exchange and collaboration on tracking and exchanging of renewable gas certificates.

During the network kick-off held in April, 42 participants from different European and national organisations joined a lively and interactive online meeting. The purpose of the network was introduced, feedback on the mode of operation was collected and topics of common interest were identified and discussed. The participants prioritised the following topics:

  • Creation of a sound level of understanding of the different certification systems and schemes
  • sustainability criteria
  • Information on revision of EN 16325 on the standardisation of GOs
  • Information on the development of the Union Database and its interplay with the development of a robust certification system for renewable gases
  • Prevention of multiple counting of renewable gas across the different purposes of documenting renewable gas production and consumption
  • other topics, like EU-ETS, origin disclosure towards consumers, seeking efficiency in interoperability of certificate system operation, energy conversion, carbon footprint of renewable gases, statistics of renewable gas certificates, tradability of certificates, GOs from Third Countries and for mapping the needs of the various stakeholder for setting up a functional market for renewable gases.

The meeting participants felt it to be relevant to meet on a regular basis.